Recommended Projects

These are the mappable recommendations proposed by the Boone County Transportation Plan meaning that they are associated with a specific location. Please refer to the Recommendations Spreadsheet for a complete list of projects. For example, some policy or study recommendations may apply to the entire County versus a single location and are consequently not shown on this map.

Tier 1

In this Plan, Tier 1 recommended projects have been identified as the highest priority transportation needs. As such, they are forecasted to be implemented between 2020 and 2030.

Tier 2

In this Plan, Tier 2 recommended projects have been identified as medium priority transportation needs. As such, they are forecasted to be implemented between 2031 and 2040.

Unscheduled Need

In this Plan, Unscheduled Need projects have been identified as the lowest priority transportation needs. As such, they are expected to be constructed beyond the year 2040.