OKI Bike Route Guide

The OKI Bike Route Guide was prepared by the Ohio Kentucky Indiana Regional Council of Governments with assistance from the Greater Cincinnati Department of Trasportation and Engineering, the Cincinnati Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee, member of the Cincinnati Cycle Club, and other area cyclists.

This bike route guide indicates city streets actually used by area bicyclists and recommended to other adults for bicycle travel. These streets, including the signed bike routes, are shared with motor vehicles and have no special provisions for bicycle travel unless classified as with bike lanes or as a separate shared use path. Cyclists should use appropriate safety precautions and obey the rules of the road.

The roadway classifications reflect general conditions - not rush hour conditions. Most routes will have more traffic during rush hours (7:00 - 9:00 AM and 4:00 - 6:00 PM weekdays). Some routes are better in one direction than another.

Cincy Red Bike locations and data provided by BCycle
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    Cincy Red Bike Stations
    Difficult Intersection
    Bike Rack
    Bike Lane
    Shared Use Path
    Street - Not Recommended
    Street - Use With Caution
    Street - Preferred Route
    Mountain Bike Trail